EU Takes Decisive Action: "Climate Neutral" Claims Set to be Banned by 2026

October 11, 2023

The European Union's bold move to outlaw "climate neutral" and "eco" claims by 2026 is sending shockwaves through the world of environmental marketing. Companies will soon be required to provide concrete evidence to substantiate these assertions, marking a major stride in the battle against greenwashing. This decisive action not only positions the EU as a trailblazer in responsible consumer communication but also holds profound implications for businesses.

In a groundbreaking move, the European Union is taking a decisive stance to ban "climate neutral" and "eco" claims by 2026, insisting that companies substantiate these assertions with concrete evidence. This crackdown on misleading environmental claims represents a pivotal moment in the battle against greenwashing, catapulting the EU into a leadership role in responsible consumer communication. Words like "green," "CO2 neutral," and "biodegradable" will now require evidence of "excellent environmental performance" to be used in claims.

What does this mean for grocery retailers?

🌿 Increased Accountability: Grocery retailers will face increased accountability, requiring them to provide tangible evidence to support their environmental claims. This shift demands greater transparency about their sustainability efforts and a genuine commitment to reducing their environmental impact.

🌍 Change in Marketing Strategies: Companies must reevaluate their marketing strategies. The days of relying on vague or misleading green labels to attract environmentally conscious consumers are over. Instead, a focus on authentic sustainability practices communicated clearly is the new imperative.

🏷️ Product Labeling: Products labeled as "green," "eco," or "natural" will need solid evidence backing their environmental performance. Achieving this may entail assessing scope 3 emissions, changes in ingredient sourcing, or supply chain enhancements to meet the stringent new standards.

🏆 Competitive Advantage: Companies genuinely committed to sustainability will gain a competitive edge. As consumers increasingly seek products and brands aligned with their values, this regulation will help differentiate responsible businesses from those engaged in greenwashing practices.

🌎 Impact on Carbon Offset Practices: Companies heavily reliant on carbon offsetting to claim carbon neutrality will need to reassess their strategies. A greater emphasis on direct emission reduction measures may be necessary, moving away from sole reliance on offsetting.

📦 Supply Chain Assessment: Grocery retailers will need to conduct thorough assessments of their supply chains to ensure compliance with the new environmental standards. Collaboration with suppliers to implement sustainable practices effectively will be essential.In summary, the EU's decision to ban misleading green claims will drive grocery retailers and food suppliers toward greater accountability and transparency in their sustainability efforts. It will compel them to closely analyze their food supply chain emissions, examining detailed product data throughout the entire value chain.

At inoqo, we're here to support you in assessing, managing, and reducing your food supply chain emissions across your entire assortment. To kickstart your sustainability journey with the data you have today, book a free demo at Let's make a positive impact together! 🌍💚


October 11, 2023

by Laura

from inoqo

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