Latest webinar

Leveraging Science-Based Targets to Drive Change in Grocery Retail

📅 February 27th 2024

How do we transform grocery retail to meet the economies global shift to net-zero?

Lubomila Jordanova, Co-founder and CEO of Plan A, and Markus Linder, Founder and CEO of inoqo, will explore together the critical path to decarbonising the grocery retail sector. They will delve on the practical steps needed to establish ambitious science-based targets, and ensure scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are accounted for and effectively reduced.

Key Takeaways
✅ The primary challenges facing the grocery retail industry in terms of decarbonization, from data collection to scope 3 emissions assessment and how these challenges can be effectively addressed.

✅Specific strategies and methodologies businesses can adopt to set science-based targets that drive meaningful and measurable change in their operations.

✅How collaboration among stakeholders, innovation in supply chains, and the adoption of new technologies contribute to achieving ambitious sustainability goals within the grocery retail sector.


Lubomila Jordanova
Co-founder & CEO of Plan A
Markus Linder
Founder & CEO of inoqo


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